Monday, October 13, 2014

7 Things To Kick That Soda Addiction

Whether you’re drinking regular or diet soda, you know it’s not good for you. If you’re ready to take the plunge and get rid of it once and for all, here are some helpful tips.

1. Decide WHY you’re quitting soda. This will make the how so much easier. Knowing how it’s harming you, and deciding why you are done with soda will give you the drive and desire to follow through.

2. Stock up on substitutes. Like lemon water, or seltzer water. Most people that are addicted to soda are addicted to the caffiene, and the carbonation. You could try making your own drinks. Like 1.5 ounces of a fruit juice, mixed into 8 ounces of seltzer water. Then you’re having a fun drink, without the negative side effects.

3. Make a quitting schedule. If you want to be completely off of soda in one month, make a schedule that will slowly remove the soda, and replace it with water. Whether you’re quitting cold turkey or weaning yourself off of it. Have it written down! A lot of the habit is

4. Buy less soda. Don’t have it around your house. Or drive home a past a different gas station, if that’s your trigger.

5. Do it with a friend. A lot of our eating habits our correlated with who we are around. If we are around people who eat healthy, we tend to eat healthier too. So, if our coworkers, or spouse drink soda, enlist them to quit with you.

6. Replace the ritual. A lot of the habit has to do with the ritual. Getting in the car, going to your favorite place, getting a soda and snack. Then enjoying it while chatting on the phone or something. It’s different for everyone. Decide ahead of time what you can do that can replace the ritual. Then when the temptation hits, you’ll already know what to do.

7. Drink 8-12 glasses of water. If you’re drinking a lot of water, and feeling hydrated, you won’t look for soda when you are thirsty. Stay ahead of the thirst.

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