Friday, June 6, 2014

3 ways to break a plateau in 7 days

Three Must Follow Rules to Break your weight loss plateau in 7 days or less! 

While I’m not big on rules or restrictions when it comes to weightloss (as people tend to rebel, binge or generally label themselves as “good or bad”. Yet to a large extent, we crave structure! We want rules. We want something that guides our day.

Today, I want to give you 3 very helpful guidelines. Now, if you are on a health and fitness journey, you know that 70-80% of your physical result is effected by your nutrition… As such, these three tips to breaking a weightloss plateau all pertain to IN-TAKE

Number 1:
Stop eating three hours before you go to bed.
Set a time, three hours before you go to sleep, at which you will no longer be consuming food. I promise you're not going to die of starvation.

That means that for one week, no dinner reservations after whatever time that you've set, no extra eating or snacking, just water. For one week, go to bed with an empty stomach, and I promise you'll going to wake up in the morning feeling fantastic!

Number 2:
Plan your meals based on a calorie deficict the day before. In order to do that, you will need to know how many calories you can consume tomorrow in order to create a deficit of at least 500 calories. Now, if you create a daily deficit of 500 calories per day, you're going to lose a minimum of a pound per week. If you create a deficit of 1000 calories per day, you will lose a minimum of two pounds per week. Now the only way to create that deficit ***is to know truly how many calories you burn**** That part does boil down in large part to knowing your numbers!

If you're going through your day trying to eat healthy, eat less, eat fewer calories, trying to move more, you're running a guessing game. If you want to have a successful business, you plan, the perfect wedding day, you plan, if you need to balance your checkbook, you plan your spending. Plan your nutrition.

Rule 3:

Try to eliminate all processed foods for one week. If it comes in a bag or a box, pretend it’s poison. For just 7 days put yourself on a whole foods only plan. Now…keep in mind that this is much easier than most people think, but it will require that you do refer back to rule number 2. The reason why most people turn to food of conveience is simply because they have failed to plan.
7 days… you can do it! You’re worth it! Give it a shot! If you’re serious about breaking a plateau I promise these tips will get you through it! Be patient. Be loving! Get some extra sleep. Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving. Speak lovingly about yourself, even if they’re just your own thoughts.

You can do it!

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