Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why Soy is harmful

One of the things I've learned once I started researching Hashimoto's disease, Thyroid disease, gluten free etc was how bad SOY was. I drank soy milk religiously since my first pregnancy. So to think all these years I wasn't helping my body like I thought. I've mentioned this to people and of course got the "you are paranoid" look. hahaha
So here is some great info on it.

Q: "Why is it harmful if its NATURAL and has been used for thousands of years?"

1) Just because something is NATURAL doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you

2) The difference is what we DO with the natural products. Look at the Coca plant. By itself, no big deal. Concentrate it down and it becomes Cocaine. Same thing with Corn. By itself no big deal. But we concentrate it to become high fructose corn syrup and it has a very different effect on our body.

In the case of SOY, its the difference between fermented and unfermented. Soy is VERY cheap to manufacture, which is why its in SO many products. Specifically "Protein shakes" sold to you as "Healthy". This is not the good stuff.

Here is a great article from Natural News that breaks it down well:

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