Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sexy September Fit for Fall Challenge Group - 21 Day Fix is on SALE this September

So I totally know it's that crazy time of year where the kids are back in school and fall sports are back up and running. BUT thank goodness the prep is over and everything is slowing down and going back to norm. We are finding our routines and it's time to relax a little (maybe a tiny bit? LOL) 
So fall is totally the time of year where we are going to football parties, comfort food, pumpkin spice EVERYTHING, pumpkin patches, and skinny jeans. Since I live in Hawaii I don't really get the fall leaves smell, the snow, or the sweaters and scarfs :) I totally get how easy it is to fall back into your old ways when it's time to put the baiting suits, tank tops, and shorts away. I know that normally during the fall, family becomes top priority and you aren't so worried about reaching your fitness goals. 

So over the last 2 years, this is one thing I have stuck with. TAKING CARE OF ME! I was sick of starting over every january with the same ol' resolution. I've also realized that not only is eating clean and exercising good for meeting my weight goals but it makes me a better person. I function better, I have more energy, I feel better about myself, and I'm in a better mood. If I skip a workout I'm in a cruddy mood the whole day. It's my stress release and my ME time. When my close began to get tight I felt gross and defeated, it put me in the worst mood. It just keeps getting worse from there. Once you loose that focus, it's so hard to get back up. I know because I use to be that way!! I can 100% relate! It's no fun! Since becoming a Beachbody Coach I've been able to stay on track just by surrounding myself with positive people and daily encouragement. I also am able to give out daily motivation and encouragement. It totally keeps me going on those days I feel like giving up! 

So now it's my time to HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE!!!! This month the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack (one of my favorite programs) is this months promotion and it's a KILLER DEAL!! You are literally getting your 21 day Fix for $10. You get a workout program, a bag of Shakeolgoy, nutrition guide, portion size containers, and FREE SHIPPING!! You can NOT pass this up!!

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack on Sale

So how is this thing going to go!?!? On September 15th we are going to get started with making small changes in your nutrition so that you can have more energy, eat healthier, and fuel your body for FUEL vs COMFORT! Together we are going to create a meal plan that meets your needs/lifestyle as well as your families. I'm going to share with you simple recipes that require little time to prepare that your whole family will enjoy. I also am here to help you CHANGE YOUR MINDSET and start making yourself a priority for at least 30 minutes a day. The workouts that you are going to get in your challenge pack are a combination of cardio, strength training, Pilates, and yoga. There are modifications to every single workout so it doesn't matter what fitness level you are at, there is something for you. This month we are also really going to focus on those pesky temptations that come up in the fall. Football parties, pumpkin treats, and desserts. I want to help you live a BALANCED life where you still enjoy LIFE but you won't ruin all of your hard work. I am going to be pairing up with you and give you the tools and strategies to keep yourself STRAIGHT! 

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack on Sale

The group is going to be a closed Facebook support group. Everyone that joins this group will be added and it will be PRIVATE. Only the members in the group will see what each of us posts. We will all start and finish together. This will be the place that you can plug in daily for tips, motivation, recipes, and help on setting goals and reaching them. 

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack

Here are the Requirements: 

I am your Coach!!

You purchase the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack from me as your Coach!! 

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack On Sale the month of September
21 Day Fix Challenge Pack -- On Sale this Month ONLY

You are an active participant in the group and and check in at least ONE time each day and post your daily ratings!! 

You are committed to giving this your BEST SHOT each and everyday, and Showing UP! I don't expect you to be PERFECT but I do expect you to at least try! It will be hard in the beginning but always remember "what was once hard, will soon become EASY" YOU CAN DO THIS! 

If you commit to giving me 30 minutes each day I will help you set up some goals! 

What is the 21 Day Fix?


So Now I ask you -- What is it that you are waiting for!??! Don't you want to rock whatever outfit you want? Wear those skinny jeans, feel confident, learn how to create a healthy lifestyle, and be a good example to your family and children? PLUS surround yourself with like minded people who are cheering you on? I would love to have you in our group!!! Will you Join Me!? 

It's about time for that After Picture 

21 Day Fix Results
21 Day Fix Results

I have limited spots available, so fill out your application so we can chat about your goals and get you into the group!! 

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